March 14, 2025



……….Another public enlightenment and sensitization campaign geared at reaching the people in the hinterlands with the programmes and strides of Governor Udom Emmanuel has berth the state with the brand #codeUdom.

The Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Charles Udoh disclosed this early today during the debut of another Live Radio public enlightenment programme floated by the Ministry of Information and Strategy on Inspiration 105.9FM – “Talking Points”.

According to the Information Boss, #codeUdom, which is a coinage from the vernacular word, “kode Udom”, which literary means “Call Udom”  is a clarion call for people especially those in the hinterland to participate in governance by calling on Governor Udom, “#codeUdom” to give feedback, reports and views that will contribute to the development of the state.

Charles Udoh said democracy entails participatory governance by all, both the literates in urban cities and the illiterates who cannot read and write expressing that #codeUdom is a campaign that aims at bringing government nearer to the unreached in all nooks and crannies of the state.

He said, #codeUdom which hits all online media platforms today will unfold more with roadshows and public sensitization to encourage those in the hinterland to pass on their contributions towards governance through Information Officers posted to all local government areas of the state and other information outlets for enhanced government/governed relationship.

On the “Talking Point” programme on Inspiration 105.9FM, the Information Boss said, the platform will open new frontiers for the governed to interact with government though the phone-in segment of the programme as well as get information on the programmes and sectoral strides of the government during the public enlightenment and interview segments of the programme.

The Information Boss urged members of the public to join in the #codeUdom campaign train by sending relevant and useful information relevant to the development of the citizen to the Citizen Centre via sms or whatsapp on phone number 09076173782 or email to or through a live conversation on the state portal on

While commending the initiator of #codeUdom, the Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Charles Udoh for the newly floated initiative from his stable of public enlightenment and Sensitization programmes, including the already trending Udomcares series of programmes, we congratulate Governor Udom Emmanuel for 3 Years of Touching Lives and wish the Governor many more years of successes in his industrialization-drive for the people of Akwa Ibom State.



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