March 13, 2025

Reward For Steadfastness: A Lesson In Ephraim Inyang-Eyen | Ibomplaza News

Reward For Steadfastness: A Lesson In Ephraim Inyang-Eyen | Ibomplaza News

By Umani Uwemedimo

The name Ephraim Inyangenyen is one that rings a bell in the minds of all. It is a household name in not just the political sphere of Akwa Ibom State where he hails, but in Nigeria in its entirety.

While some schools of thought are of the opinion that the name is synonymous to agility, faithfulness, hardwork, and courageousness, others have encapsulated these factors into one word, positing that the name is synonymous to ‘steadfastness’. This is to state that the name is a factor on its own. The different schools of thought are wholly right in their likewise opinions.

Before his appointment into the Akwa Ibom State Executive Council in 2015, Mr. Ephraim Inyangenyen was a known senior customs officer who throughout his service years was never found wanting. He had patriotically dedicated his life, time and energy to ensure the safety of the country, Nigeria and her citizens through strict surveillance on our territorial borders. This he attained great heights at his early years of service. I won’t be considered incorrect if I say that his subsequent appointment as his State Commissioner for Works was from his steadfastness during his active service in the Customs.

While some people are of the perception that his appointment in 2015 came prior to his personal relationship with the Governor, Mr. Udom Emmanuel, it is pertinent to note that the governor before his emergence in 2015 had established cordial relationship with so many people within and outside of the state. If it was for personal relationship, Inyangenyen wouldn’t have been in the picture. He came in the picture because of just a factor; the Governor had tested and proven his integrity and prowess. This is where the factor, steadfastness came in play.

As the State Commissioner for Works, Mr. Ephraim Inyang has ensured that the last five decades of the Udom Emmanuel dispensation is centered around numerous achievements, one of such is the achievement recorded in infrastructural development. The State Government has received series of accolades for this. Not less than 1700km of roads have been constructed and commissioned by the State Government, others are still counting.

Wit the high quality work done on these roads and his academic qualifications, one may be thrown into the state of bewilderment to how Inyangenyen got to be acquainted with the necessary skills and experiences required of a certified Civil Engineer. This is nothing but a mystery for flesh and blood, and such shall it remain.

One of the projects inwhich Inyangenyen’s image is clearly imprinted on is the just Commissioned Akwa Ibom Infectious Disease Center at Ituk Mbang, Uruan LGA. The project which was commissioned barely six weeks after its ground breaking has not only ranked Akwa Ibom as the best or one of the states with the best healthcare system and result oriented in the fight against Covid-19, it has also portrayed Inyangenyen as a man who can create things from virtually nothing.

Throughout these six weeks, Inyangenyen was there in the rain and sun monitoring the construction of the project to ensure Akwa Ibom and her people get nothing outside the best. A man like Ephraim Inyangenyen can never be left unrewarded.

Because the reward for service is more service, the Governor, Mr. Udom Emmanuel ascertaining the fact that Inyangenyen has not failed nor found wanting throughout the last five decades, last week rewarded Inyangenyen service with more service by appointing him as his Chief of Staff.

With Inyangenyen’s new appointment, he is to act in dual capacity: the Chief of Staff and Commissioner for Works pending when a new Commissioner for Works is appointed. This is indeed the reward for steadfastness, and a lesson for all servants ( public, civil and domestic).

Alaji Umani Uwemedimo, a public Affairs analyst writes from Uyo

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